Baptisms are generally scheduled for the second Sunday of the month after the 11 am Mass
A short meeting with Pastor, Monsignor Cihak. To schedule your appointment contact his Assistant at [email protected]
Active membership in Christ the King Parish (registered, participating in Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, signed up for giving, and married in the Church)
Complete an online certification course with Ascension Press titled “Belonging; Baptism in the Family of God.” Belonging, Certification Course – Ascension ( It takes approximately 2 hours to complete, and may be taken at your leisure, with breaks along the way. The course is easy to access and user friendly. The fee for this course is $9.95. When completed, a certificate of completion shall be submitted to the Baptism Coordinator, Deacon Becker, either as hardcopy or electronically.
Attend the Christ the King Baptism Preparation Class. It is not necessary to wait until the birth of the child, expecting parents may and should consider attending. The Baptism Preparation Class (1 ½ hours) is offered quarterly at 10 am on a Sunday in the parish center. The dates are posted on the website and time-sensitive reminders are in the bulletin. You may bring your young children as long as you bring a support person (grandparent or friend), to tend to them.
Godparents, if not registered members of Christ The King, shall supply a letter (on parish letterhead) from their pastor verifying they are Confirmed members of the Catholic Church in good standing and attending weekly Mass.
Godparents, like parents, shall complete an online certification course with Ascension Press titled “Belonging; Baptism in the Family of God.” See instructions and information above in “Requirements for Parents.”
Godparents, like the parents, will also need to watch the 13 minute homily on baptism prior to the in-person class. See above in "Requirments for Parents."
Godparents, like parents, shall attend the Baptism Preparation Class. If the godparent is traveling for the baptism from out of town, this in-person class requirement may be waived. However, the online class and watching the homily is still expected.